
Things below this is stuff I've thought of, but am not using.


Team Effort In non-combat situations where a group of Wild Cards want to do the same thing - and could help each other without causing problems - each character rolls the trait roll, but only the one with the worst skill die can roll a Wild Die. As long as more than half succeed, the group is considered to have succeeded. (E.g. this could be used when the entire group is sneaking, effectively the better ones are helping the clumsier ones. Another example: If the entire group is in a library researching a mysterious creature they could help each other research it.) (Inspired by 5e)


Alternative Ammunition Rules

Instead of players or GMs counting ammunition, roll an extra D10 with every shooting skill test. On a 1 the weapon is out of ammunition. A general average of all SWEX standard weapons is about 10 shots per clip, if all the special weapon features are used. A player will get a few more shots out of pistols than with ammo counting, and a few less shots for use of single-shot attacks. Overall, this works out about the same as counting ammunition, but with less bookkeeping. GMs should let anyone spend bennies to re-roll a bad ammunition result, including monsters.

Popcorn Initiative! (modified)

Replace the Initiative rules with: At the start of a combat roll Agility for each player and opponent group. Highest roll goes first, acts, and then chooses the next to act among those who have not acted. The one selected last decides who goes first for the next round. For purposes of counting rounds, a round ends when all participants have acted. If you have The Drop on someone you may always choose to act before the one you have the drop on. The Quick edge means that you can choose to be next (at the cost of a Benny after the first time per combat.) Level Headed means you can choose to act first in the next round (at the cost of a Benny after the first time per combat.) Improved Level Headed means you can always choose to act first in the next round. A Tactician can grant choices to go next or last to other players, once for each raise rolled. (In all cases roll Agility if there are ties in edge-granted choices, highest roll gets to use edge ability.)

Fudge Dice You can choose to roll two Fudge Dice along with a trait roll and add the result to your roll. This evens out the 'dice curve' a bit, see the link in the title.

Bonus Bennies Each Wild Card character gets a benny at the start of every combat or chase scene. This can’t take a character above the number of bennies they began the session with, but it does mean the heroes can freely spend a single benny in every fight, with the certain knowledge they’ll get it back before the next encounter kicks off.


This rule replaces Wild Attack, Defend and Full Defense. At the beginning of your turn, before making any rolls, you may choose a fighting stance. The modifiers apply until the beginning of your following turn.

• Powerful stance: Inflict +2 damage, or +4 if you hit with a raise. Parry reduced by 2.

• Offensive stance: Gain +2 to Fighting rolls. Parry reduced by 2.

• Defensive stance: Gain +2 Parry but can only perform one other action this round (including free actions such as movement), and if the other action requires a roll it is made at -2.

Goal: This rule splits up Wild Attack, and merges Defend and Full Defense together, resulting in three viable tactical options.

RAW: Wild Attack is mechanically speaking a no-brainer in almost all melee situations. Full Defense often causes confusion due to being a Fighting roll.

Impact: Stances offer the players more tactical choice, and streamline the defensive options.

The Tides Turn GM starts with no bennies. Players start with the standard amount. When a player spends a benny it goes to the GM to do as he pleases.