
These rules aren't actually in effect, it's just a handy place for me to note down some thoughts, in no particular order.

Max Crits

Any critical hit auto-confirms. x2 crit=max damage. x3 crit = max damage and draw one card. x4=1.5 times max dmg and one card, x5=2 times max dmg and one card, etc....

Spells &c

The following spells can be cast in two ways. Either as per the spell, but then the target gets a save every round, or as a ritual that takes ten times as long that works as the spell currently does.

Charm Person/Monster

Dominate Person/Monster

Geas, Lesser


Dimension Door. will require line of sight.

Planar Travel/Teleport. Gets you *two* locations. You can memorize a location by spending a full round(?) You can keep at most Int Mod locations in memory at once.

Dunno, probably simply disallow:


Resilient Sphere



Long-range teleportation and scrying effects require that you have personally experienced the area, either through your own senses or those of others, or have an arcane mark there. Teleportation isn't possible onto/into or off of/out of moving objects (ships, airships, wagons, coaches, dragons' backs, floating islands in the sky, etc.) or through living things. For example, the use of Ivy covering the walls of a mansion to to defeat an assassin's attempts to teleport into the place.

The above is nicked from

Firearms Houserule

attacks against flat-footed AC instead of touch at close range and take twice as long to reload, but cost 5% price. Simple weapon.

Magic Item Creation

With the exception of consumables, there is no cost reduction for crafting magic items. Instead of granting the character more wealth, the benefit of taking such a feat lies in flexibility and ready access to appropriate gear. See the section below for more information.


Magic items are not readily available. They certainly exist in Sandpoint and are available for sale but there is no one central location where they can be found nor any sort of information hub that lists what can be found where. As such tracking down specific items is a long process.

This is being lumped into the Gather Information function of Diplomacy and Knowledge (Local).

Locate Available Magic Item

You can also use Diplomacy and Knowledge (Local) to track down a specific magic item that is available for purchase or an individual that can craft it. To do this, you must spend at least 1d4 hours checking with relevant merchants, local taverns, and powerful figures. The DC of this check depends on the total value of the item sought. For most items this is 10 + caster level of the item. For obscure or powerful items, the base DC might increase to 20 or higher.

Once an item has been located it is not immediately available. The character must wait a number of days equal to the item's total value divided by 1000. This time represents the selling party making appropriate preparations for the sale, getting it out of storage, or finishing crafting it.

For every 5 the character beats the DC to track down the item, the time before it's available for sale is reduced by half (down to one day).

Example: In order for a character to track down a Belt of Giant Strength they would need to make a DC 18 check (10 + 8) and then wait 4 days (4000 gp).

Try Again

You cannot use either Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local) to search again for a given item more than once in a 24 hour period.

The above is nicked from

General spellcaster MAD fix

INT=Spells Known,


CHA=Spell DCs

Steal from 13th Age?

Specifically ~4 encounters before recovering spells, hp, etc instead of daily. Maybe call it a 'Milestone'. :) (I.e. 4 enc or 'in a safe place', random encounters may occur after 4 enc. I.e. 4 enc is not a guarantee, just makes it very, very likely that rest can occur.)

I also like the escalation die. It does make players a bit more powerful. Or, perhaps pcs and monsters should get it? Either way, in practice it'd be the round counter in Maptools, with a max of 6. Ort maybe a separate counter, so I can choose to not increase it if obvious stalling is going on? Hmm.

Replacing flanking with just requiring the enemy to be engaged with at least another ally. Probably not give flanking bonus, just make it enable sneak attack?

Simplify monsters with abilities every xDy rounds, instead it triggers on their main attack if the roll is even. (Slight upgrade as it occurs more often.)

Teleportation is irritating

Maybe switch the levels of Teleportation Circle and Teleport? Completely removing Teleport, Greater (or possibly that's Teleport, Mythic does?)

'Trailblazer iteratives'

At 6 BAB, you can full attack for -2/-2. At 11 BAB, you full attack for -1/-1. And at 16, it's 0/0. VERY likely to do this. I just need to change hero lab...

Some invisibilty/scry/fry ideas:

"Improved Invisibility causes the target of the spell to become partially visible when attacking. Opponents can attack the target as if they had total concealment,i.e. a 50% chance miss chance for a successful attack. Once combat ends, the target of the spell becomes fully invisible again."

"Teleportation can only teleport to locations that you physically visited and have memorized or attuned. It takes one day to fully memorize or attune to a location and you can only memorize as many location as your ability modifier for spellcasting. Greater Teleport still requires that the location be known and memorized, but removes the risk of failure while teleporting."

Interesting fighter options

Scaling feats

Probably better than giving everyone extra feats as per Combat Changes below.

Basically all */Improved */Greater * feats become one feat that scales on BAB and is named Scaling *. Scaling feats count as any of the subsumed feats for prerequisite purposes (maybe consider BAB?). If a class gains one of the base or later feats as a class feature it simply gains the Scaling feat (or nothing if it already has it.)

Possibly incomplete list of Base Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Penetrating Strike, Precise Shot, Vital Strike.

Probably allow: Weapon Focus, Shield Focus, Two-Weapon Fighting, Serpent Lash, Weapon Specialization, Blind Fight, Improved Steal, Improved Reposition, Shield Specialization, Improved Drag, Improved Initiative, Deadly Accuracy, Snap Shot, Cleaving Finish, Feint Partner, Devastating Strike

Possibly allow:Rending Fury

Probably won't allow: Eldritch Heritage, Spell Focus, Spell Specialization, Channel Smite, Elemental Focus, Channel Force, Blighted Critical, Spell Critical,

Changed fighter

A bit more flexible, and introduces a Courage pool (sort of like Grit.)

Combat changes: Feats

Everybody gets Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Power Attack. Anyone should be able to do these things, they're just feat taxes.

Everybody gets Critical Focus, it's a feat tax.

Combat changes: No Iteratives

No iterative attacks, everyone gets Vital Strike at BAB 6, etc along that feat chain.

All the +2/+2 to skill feats ALSO grant a single daily reroll to either skill.

Interesting martial feat cleanup

Alchenerf I

Splash weapons of all sorts (including Bombs) don't attack Touch AC, they attack regular AC. (AC 5 to attack an unoccupied grid intersection.)

A miss that would hit Touch AC does not scatter (unless it is a critical failure, or the miss is due to 'miss chance'), and does cause splash centered on the attacked creature.

This lowers the to-hit chance to something reasonable, making the high damage not quite so devastating.

Alchenerf II

Alchemists don't get to add their Int modifier to Bomb damage (or splash damage for that matter.)

This lowers their reliable damage output (especially at low levels), half-orcs (etc) can still choose the favored class bonus to add bonus damage based on level.

Mad Bomber Alchenerf (probably won't use)

Bomb: In addition to magical extracts, alchemists are adept at swiftly mixing various volatile chemicals and infusing them with their magical reserves to create powerful bombs that they can hurl at their enemies. A Mad Bomber can prepare as many bombs as he has vials (assuming he has an Alchemist's Kit available.) Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert—their method of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material from being created and stored. In order to create a bomb, the alchemist must use a small vial containing an ounce of liquid catalyst—the alchemist can create this liquid catalyst from small amounts of chemicals from an alchemy lab, and these supplies can be readily refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component pouch. Most alchemists create a number of catalyst vials at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial remains usable by the alchemist for years.

Drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus.

On a direct hit, an alchemist’s bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage + additional damage equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. The damage of an alchemist’s bomb increases by 1d6 points at every third alchemist level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an alchemist bomb is equal to the bomb’s minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier.

An alchemist that aims for a grid intersection rather than a direct target does not get to add any damage bonus beyond the dice granted by his levels when calculating splash damage. I.e. if an alchemist's bombs do 3d6+6 damage, the splash would only be 3 points if thrown at a grid intersection.

Alchemists can learn new types of bombs as discoveries (see the Discovery ability) as they level up. An alchemist’s bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else.

Vials cost, weigh and work *exactly* like bolts and are kept in bandoliers or pouches that cost, weigh and work *exactly* like crossbow quivers. (I.e., see 'Archers & Arrows' on the Rules page.)

Stealth, Fixed

I really like these rules, very likely to be brought into effect.


I'm considering simply removing the Metamagic feats and rods. Casters are powerful and flexible enough as is. If you want a Quickened Fireball (or whatever) research that spell.

Simpler Buffing

Alternatively, you could bring back something I really REALLY wanted in the game but it got pushed aside: "buff slots." Every character has a number of buff slots equal to their HD divided by 4 (rounded down, minimum 1). You can have a number of preparatory spells in effect at the same time equal to this limit. Then give the non casters 3 bonus slots, so that they get more benefit from things like haste and the like. This system never made it to playtest, so I'm not sure how it might work out in play, but not only would it give non-casters a boost, it also helps to uncomplicate the game (managing a dozen or more buffs at once does that).

Spontaneous Only

Change prepared casters to be spontaneous casters.

Full casters:

Clerics can either be oracles, or use the following rules:

Druids use the following rules:

Witches use the Sorcerer spell progression, the second paragraph in the witch's familiar description changes to:

A witch must commune with her familiar each day to select her spells. Familiars store all of the spells that a witch knows, and a witch cannot cast a spell that is not stored by her familiar. A witch’s familiar begins play storing all of the 0-level witch spells plus three 1st level spells of the witch’s choice. The witch also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her familiar. At each new witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new witch level) to her familiar. A witch can also add additional spells to her familiar through a special ritual. If the familiar dies the witch no longer has access to her spells until she gets a new familiar, at which time they can - if they wish - completely reselect their spells. Killing one's familiar is not likely to be popular with the patron of the witch, however...

Wizards use the Sorcerer spell progression.

Other casters:

Alchemists use the Bard spell progression.

Paladins use the Bard spell progression.

Rangers use the Bard spell progression.

Other rules that are changed by the above:

Page of Spell Knowledge (and anything similar) only works for Wizards and Sorcerers with the Sage bloodline.

Pearl of Power doesn't work for anyone.

Blood Transcription (and anything similar) allows one to permanently change one known spell to one the target knows.

Caster Nerfbat

Maybe change Cleric/Druid/Sorcerer/Wizard (the 9-level casters) to get a new spell level every three levels? Would slow down the appearance of the most (over)powerful spells. Maybe a bit too harsh, would bring the top level spells completely out of reach of players.

Caster Nerfbat II

(Evil Lincoln)

Any condition which penalizes attack rolls, skill checks or ability checks forces a caster to make a concentration check to cast while afflicted by the condition. The base DC for this check is five times the level of the spell cast. The roll is modified by the same condition penalty as affects attack rolls, skill checks, or ability checks.

Simplifying things

(Evil Lincoln)

Scenes and Sorties for Duration

Rounds (1-19 rounds)

Rounds-durations have a maximum of 19 rounds. At twenty rounds, they are upgraded to 1 Scene duration. Only rounds-duration effects can expire during the middle of a Scene, all other effects will terminate at expiry.

# of Scenes (2 minutes - 1 hour)

Any effect lasting 20 rounds (2 minutes) or more lasts for one scene, regardless of the actual length of the scene in rounds. For each full 10 minutes of duration, you may sustain the spell for 1 additional scene, up to a total of 6 scenes at 50 minutes. Any duration greater than 60 minutes is upgraded to Sortie duration.

There are two general types of scene: encounters (which you understand) and explorations. An exploration is any room or series of small rooms that might share box-text. You can "rush" an exploration by explicitly declaring that you are rushing, and then it doesn't count against your scenes for duration (but there may be consequences).

At the end of the scene, the GM will call for Expiry. At the point, we note whatever spells have expired, and cast new ones if desired.

Sortie (1 hour - 12 hours)

Any effect lasting 1 hour or more lasts for the exploration of an entire encounter site (a small dungeon, for example), or one time period. At 4 hours, the effect will last for two time periods, and at 8 hours, it lasts for 3 time periods. The time periods are: morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night. Any effect lasting 12 or more hours is upgraded to Enduring duration.

Enduring (12+ hours)

Any duration greater than 12 hours is effectively permanent as long as it takes up a spell slot. Heck, you don't even need to re-prepare or re-cast it as long as the slot is used. It can still be dispelled though.

The amount of time you spend exploring an area determines your ability to locate traps and secret doors, as well as other details.

Taking 10 is the default for exploration, which takes 1 scene. Rushing through an area treats your Perception roll as 0 + any modifiers, but does not count as a scene for duration.

Taking 20 for an exploration is a sortie for purposes of duration. You may always take a deliberate Perception Check (rolling 1d20+mods) as a move action.


We use the following standards for translating durations from game-world time into game-session time:

A scene is one combat or social encounter, or the exploration of a reasonably large “room”. You can rush through a room and it will not count against your current spell durations.

A sortie is one site with multiple encounters (a typical “map” for an encounter site), a short overland journey or a phase of the day (morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night).

Speeding things up

Perception/Movement summary

(Evil Lincoln)

Really neat summary of movement/perception/searching. Will probably use.

Changed Iterative Attacks

Rework to give fewer attacks, better chance to hit, same average damage.

Balanced attacks are all at the same bonus. You can make a maximum of two balanced attacks, plus additional attacks from two weapon fighting, rapid shot, etc.(which apply their own -2 modifiers).

At BAB 6, the penalty applied to both attacks is -2.

At BAB 11, the penalty drops to -1.

At BAB 16, the penalty is 0.


Instead of Iterative attacks, give everyone Vital Strike at level 6, Improved Vital Strike at level 12, Greater Vital Strike at level 18.


In combat, roll all dice at the same time, if you don't own enough dice, I'll *give* you some. Try to color code them.

Just different


(Evil Lincoln)

Christmas (Tree) is Canceled!

(Evil Lincoln)

Automatic Bonuses By Level wrote:

The following bonuses are acquired automatically at the listed levels. Magic items that normally confer these bonuses no longer do so, but all other benefits remain. The Purchase DC for items with both an enhancement bonus and an effect (e.g. a flaming sword must also be a +1 sword) remains the same as if it had the enhancement bonus.

Note that the automatic enhancement bonus to attacks does not qualify as magic for the

purposes of damage reduction. A weapon needs to possess at least one magical quality (e.g. a returning dagger) to bypass damage reduction of the magic type.

The armor bonus from mage armor does not benefit from the auto-bonus as armor does.

Ability score bonuses are in addition to the normal +1 point per 4 levels.

Type................................Automatic Bonus

Attacks and Damage .........+1 enhancement bonus per 4 levels (max +5)

Saving Throws...................+1 enhancement bonus per 4 levels (max +5)

Armor...............................if equipped, +1 enhancement bonus per 4 levels (max +5)

Shield...............................if equipped, +1 enhancement bonus per 4 levels (max +5)

Physical Ability Scores.......+1 to any one per 2 levels (max +6 per ability)

Mental Ability Scores ........+1 to any one per 2 levels (max +6 per ability)

The dragonscale amulet (natural armor bonus) and ring of protection (deflection bonus) exist in lesser (+2, minor item) and greater (+4, medium item) varieties. Both create visible effects and are activated by a command word as a standard action.

Broken things quotes:

  • Detect BLAH and Illusions : Using detect magic on illusions counts as 'interacting' with them. If you don't disbelieve, then your detect magic detects the illusion, not the spell. So, invisibility for example, doesn't register to Detect Magic if you fail your interactivity with it.
  • Teleport can only be done on teleport nodes safely. Any other attempt to teleport carries a high chance of catastrophy (no more scry and fry).
  • Use Weapon Groups, and specific weapon feats apply to groups instead.

Virtual Feats

(Evil Lincoln)

Virtual feats are special GM-designated feats. Any character who meets the pre-requisites of a virtual feat may act as though they have that feat for both effects and pre-requisites.

The following feats are virtual feats in this campaign: Combat Expertise (int 13+ waived), Heighten Spell, Two-weapon Fighting (see Ambidexterity feat, below)

Fighter Fixes Feats

(Evil Lincoln)

Battle Adaptation (Combat)

You excel at changing your tactics to suit upcoming situations. Each day you experiment with new techniques tailored to the expected enemy.

Prerequisite: Any two combat feats

Benefit: After a full night's rest and one hour of rigorous practice, you may select any one combat feat for which you meet the prerequisites that does not require a base attack bonus +7 or fighter level higher than 7th. You are treated as though you possess that feat until you practice another.

The feat effect granted by Battle Adaptation cannot be used as a prerequisite for any permanent effect such as a prestige class or feat. You cannot mimic the effects of Improved or Greater Battle Adaptation using this feat.

→ Battle Adaptation, Improved (Combat)

You have grown even more flexible with your battle tactics, and are able to rehearse even complex maneuvers on short notice.

Prerequisite: Battle Adaptation and any other four combat feats, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: As Battle Adaptation, except you may practice an additional feat during your one hour of practice, for a total of two feats. This second feat may require a base attack bonus or fighter level of up to 15.

Special: Feat effects granted by Battle Adaptation may satisfy prerequisites for the practiced feat.

→ Battle Adaptation, Greater (Combat)

You have mastered improvisation and may expertly practice a wide variety of techniques.

Prerequisite: Battle Adaptation, Improved Battle Adaptation and any other eight combat feats, base attack bonus +16.

Benefit: As Battle Adaptation, except you may adapt an additional feat during your one hour of practice for a total of three feats. This third feat may require any base attack bonus or fighter level.

Special: Feat effects granted by Battle Adaptation or Improved Battle Adaptation may satisfy prerequisites for the practiced feat.

Brutal Maneuvers (Combat)

You are unwavering in your drive to crush the enemy, even whilst maneuvering for a tactical advantage.

Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1

Benefit: You may combine any maneuver with a standard attack as a standard action. Maneuvers that are normally executed in place of a single melee attack become standard actions as brutal maneuvers. Executing a brutal maneuver does not incur an attack of opportunity.

Make an attack roll that includes any bonuses you have to CMB for the chosen maneuver, and also any modifiers that would apply to your normal attacks for the round (such as a power attack penalty to hit). If the attack roll result was higher than the target's AC and CMD, you deal damage as a standard attack, plus the effect of the maneuver. If your check is below either AC or CMD, the brutal maneuver has no effect.

Special: Creatures of a size other than Medium get a special modifier when executing brutal maneuver. Small creatures have a -2 penalty, and Large creatures have a +2 bonus. For other sizes, simply add twice the creature's special size modifier for CMB.